
Grand Welcome Event for the 0th Batch

U Share 西早稲田 0期生へのGrand Welcome Event 実施


On April 17th and 18th, we hosted a Grand Welcome Event for the 0th batch of residents at U Share Nishi Waseda.

Grand Welcome Event とは、新しい入居者が U Shareファミリーと交流し、U Shareメンバーの一員であることに対する誇りを持ってもらうことを目的としている伝統イベントです。 様々なアクティビティを通して、一緒に住む入居者との交流を深め、これから始まる生活において良いスタートを切るきっかけとなっています。

The Grand Welcome Event is a traditional welcoming event for the new “U Sharees” at the beginning of each semester (April and September).   The event is designed with an aim to encourage new members to socialize and get comfortable with the U Share family, and to foster a feeling of pride towards being a U Share member.


  • アイスブレーク
  • スイートメイトとの交流時間
  • U Shareオリジナルグッズの配布
  • 映画鑑賞
  • コーヒーナイト
  •  西早稲田ツアー
  • キックオフセレモニー 等

Example of Activities:

  • Ice Breaking
  • Suitemate Bonding Time
  • Distribution of U Share’s Original Merchandise
  • Movie Time
  • Late Night Talks with Coffee
  • Tour of the Surrounding City
  • Kick-Off Ceremony etc.

今回はU Share 西早稲田の正式オープンと共に0期生を迎え入れました。第一回目のグランドウェルカムとして0期生限定のスペシャルプログラムも開催され、北海道から沖縄まで全国から集まった学生と、アメリカや韓国からの留学生、そして海外の大学に進学している学生など多種多様なバックグラウンドを持つ入居者が参加してくれました。

With the official opening of U Share Nishi Waseda, we welcomed the 0th batch of residents. As the first Grand Welcome, a special program limited to the 0th batch was held, and a variety of students from all over Japan, international students from countries such as the United States and South Korea, and students attending overseas universities participated.

For more information on what the event was like this year, please take a look at the attached photos.

U Share 西早稲田では各学期のはじめである4月と9月に合わせて、新入居者に対するGrand Welcome を実施いたします。入居者は原則参加必須となります。次回は8月を予定しております。

We are planning to host Grand Welcome Events for new residents in April and August of each year. All incoming residents are required to participate.

※U Share 西早稲田では検温・消毒・換気などのコロナ対策を徹底しています。

* U Share Nishi Waseda thoroughly implements corona measures such as temperature measurement, disinfection, and ventilation.

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Frequently Asked Questions
For being eligible to apply, do I have to be a university student?
Yes. Any individual enrolled in any type of higher education program is eligible to apply to live at U Share Student Nishi Waseda.
What furniture items comes with each room?
Each room comes with a bed (frame, mattress, sheets, pillows, blanket included), wardrobe, table, table lamp, above-table shelf, and airconditioning.
Can I go to visit U Share Student Nishi Waseda to see the space before applying, and if so, when?
Yes, you can make a reservation through our website contact form informing us of your preferred dates and times for visiting. We will then contact you directly to schedule a visit.
What are the educational and career seminars and how often are they held?
We hold various events regularly throughout the year. This includes inviting individuals to talk about their past experiences and knowledge, or inviting professionals with abundant experience in the real world, giving residents opportunities to find their own career path.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.