“Sharing” is the key to everything. What U Share Student values the most is to
“share.” From sharing living environments and time, to sharing diverse
values and experiences. By “sharing,” people understand, stimulate, and
learn from each other, Which we believe is what allows growth to occur with
one another. The power that “sharing” has is infinite. U Share = You share.
It all starts with what you share!
Share Studentが一番大切にしているのは、「シェア」すること。住まいや時間はもちろん、多様な価値観や経験まで。人はshareすることでのみ互いに理解し、刺激し合い、学び合い、共に成長していくことが出来ると私たちは考えています。Shareが生み出すパワーは無限大です。U
Share=You share. すべてはあなたがshareすることから始まります。