Services & Experiences

Learning and Career Support

SYSP (Share Your Story × Professionals)

This is one of U Share Student’s core programs. We invite working people who can be role models for our residents as speakers to share their experiences and thoughts. The purpose of this event is to provide residents with an opportunity to enhance their perspectives, broaden their horizons, and expand their networks.

Office Hour Mentoring

At top universities overseas, there is a system called “Office Hours” where you can talk to professors about anything, and U Share Student also offers this system. During Office Hours, you can consult with a member of our management team online or face-to-face on various topics such as career, employment, study abroad, etc. If necessary, we can also offer advice on your statement of purpose for studying abroad and hold mock job interviews.

Self-discovery Workshop

We hold “Self-Discovery Workshops” for residents to better understand themselves and what their strenghts are. The program will be led by an outside instructor and will use an online tool called StrengthsFinder, developed by Gallup (an American company), to help participants clarify their talents and strengths, and to provide hints for thinking about their career path and future.
U Share Student Services

Community Events

Social Event

Social events are organized by our Resident Assistants (RA’s). In the past, social events include movie nights, sport days, events based on the seasons such as spring hanami (sakura season), halloween, and christmas. They also organize the biannual Grand Welcome event to welcome new residents and Farewell events for leaving residents.

U Share Student Trek

U Share Student Trek is a student-centered program modeled after the “Trek” off-site learning opportunities held at Harvard Business School and other top business schools around the world. Interested residents form teams that mix school, grade level, major, and nationality to participate in themed camps. The goal of the program is for students to spend an intensive time in an environment different from their usual residence and gain invaluable experience.
U Share Student Services

English based Environment

The official language of U Share Student is English. Since about half of the residents are international students, you will be in an English-speaking living environment.

Stress-free Lifestyle

Easy contract process

We offer online viewing tours for those who live far away. The entire contracting process and payment procedures are completed online, making the process paperless and stress-free.

Easy to settle

All amenities and necessary furniture are proivded. Therefore, even with just one suitcase upon arrival, you can immediately start to live comfortably. Wifi, electricity, gas, and water utilities are also all included within the contract costs so there is no need to worry about figuring this out.

RA (Resident Assistant) Support

Within the building, there are Resident Assistants living with you who can support you in daily life matters from everyday to job hunting concerns. RA’s are like an extension of your family at U Share Student.
U Share Student Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
For being eligible to apply, do I have to be a university student?
Yes. Any individual enrolled in any type of higher education program is eligible to apply to live at U Share Student Nishi Waseda.
What furniture items comes with each room?
Each room comes with a bed (frame, mattress, sheets, pillows, blanket included), wardrobe, table, table lamp, above-table shelf, and airconditioning.
Can I go to visit U Share Student Nishi Waseda to see the space before applying, and if so, when?
Yes, you can make a reservation through our website contact form informing us of your preferred dates and times for visiting. We will then contact you directly to schedule a visit.
What are the educational and career seminars and how often are they held?
We hold various events regularly throughout the year. This includes inviting individuals to talk about their past experiences and knowledge, or inviting professionals with abundant experience in the real world, giving residents opportunities to find their own career path.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.