For being eligible to apply, do I have to be a university student?
KUROFUNE Design Holdings 株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:上田真路)は、2022年春期にU Share 西早稲田に入居を予定する第1期生を対象に、家賃補助・奨学金プログラムを提供します。
KUROFUNE Design Holdings Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Masamichi Ueta) provides a Rent Subsidy and Scholarship program for the 1st batch who are joining in Spring 2022.
U Shareのミッションは、多様な人々、価値観に触れることができ、また各々の夢や取り組みを「シェア」する機会が日常的にある環境のデザイン(=場づくり)を通じ、世界的視座を持ち、多様性を尊重し、社会問題の解決に取り組んでいく真のグローバル人材育成(=人づくり)に貢献することです。
U Share’s mission is to contribute in nurturing global talents who have a global perspective, respect diversity, and work on solving social problems. We will accomplish this by designing an environment where students can come into contact with diverse people and values, and have the opportunity to “share” their dreams and initiatives on a daily basis.
We will provide the rent subsidy and scholarship program to those who sympathize with our mission and wish to contribute to the creation of our community, and an educational space that integrates “living” and “learning”, which are still few in Japan.
Details of rent subsidy and scholarship program
This program is intended to subsidize 15,000 yen per month as a scholarship for those who move in as 1st batch members, and reduce the basic rent of 78,000 yen to 63,000 yen. As a result, the monthly cost of rent, utilities, internet, cleaning, and shared service costs will be reduced from 114,000 yen to 99,000 yen, with the purpose of allowing tenants to concentrate their resources on their pursuit of knowledge and community building.
2022年春期にU Share 西早稲田に入居される方(大学生、大学院生)
Those who join U Share Nishi Waseda in Spring 2022(undergraduate students, graduate students)
April 2022 to March 2023 (1 year)
【Scholarship coverage】
Monthly scholarship benefit of 15,000 yen
U Share 西早稲田、2022年春期入居となる第1期生の募集について
現在、U Share 西早稲田では、2022年春期入居を予定する第1期生(20名程度)の募集をしています。全世界から幅広く個性的な人材を募り、ご入居頂くメンバーを決定します。詳細は以下のページからご確認いただけます。
We are now accepting applications from those who wish to join U Share Nishi Waseda in Spring 2022(around 20 residents). We will be selecting the residents from unique talents from around the world. Details will be written in the page below.