
SYSP Speaker Yoko Nishimura’s session, PhD UCLA Professor at Gettysburg College

SYSPを開催。 スピーカー:米・ゲティスバーク大学助教授 UCLA博士 西村曜子氏

2022年7月15日にイベント「Speaker series- マイノリティからの挑戦 アメリカの学術界でどう生き抜いてきたか-」を開催しました。今回は、UCLAで博士号を取得され、ペンシルバニア大学で教鞭取り、現在も米国の大学で教えている西村曜子氏をお迎えしました。



イベント名:Share Ur Story x Professionals
開催場所:U Share西早稲田
Speaker:西村 曜子

■Speaker’s profile

西村 曜子


学士 Loyola University Chicago, USA, 2000
修士,MA UCLA, 2002
博士 ,UCLA, 2008

※ Share Ur Story x Professionalsとは

U Shareのコア・プログラムの1つです。入居者のロールモデルとなり得る社会人の方々をスピーカーとして招き、彼らの経験や想いをシェアして頂きます。入居者に視座を高め、見聞を広め、ネットワークを広げるきっかけづくりを目的としています。

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Frequently Asked Questions
For being eligible to apply, do I have to be a university student?
Yes. Any individual enrolled in any type of higher education program is eligible to apply to live at U Share Student Nishi Waseda.
What furniture items comes with each room?
Each room comes with a bed (frame, mattress, sheets, pillows, blanket included), wardrobe, table, table lamp, above-table shelf, and airconditioning.
Can I go to visit U Share Student Nishi Waseda to see the space before applying, and if so, when?
Yes, you can make a reservation through our website contact form informing us of your preferred dates and times for visiting. We will then contact you directly to schedule a visit.
What are the educational and career seminars and how often are they held?
We hold various events regularly throughout the year. This includes inviting individuals to talk about their past experiences and knowledge, or inviting professionals with abundant experience in the real world, giving residents opportunities to find their own career path.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.