
International student dormitory “U Share” will start operating in April 2021

国際学生寮”U Share”が2021年4月より本格始動

KUROFUNE Design Holdingsが手がける国際学生寮「U Share」が本格始動

‘Living together, growing together.”
KUROFUNE Design Holdings international student dormitory “U Share” will start its operation
Aiming to create a society where diverse people thrive, through the power of design

ハーバード大学デザイン大学院と同ビジネス・スクール、MITで共に学んだメンバーを中心に誕生したKUROFUNE Design Holdings 株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:上田真路)は、「住まい」と「学び」が一体化した最適な住空間、教育空間のデザインを目指し、次世代のグローバル人材となる若手がともに暮らす国際学生寮”U Share”を2021年4月より本格始動します。多様な人々、価値観に触れることができるだけでなく、各々の取り組みや夢を「シェア」する機会を日常的に生み出す環境のデザイン(=場づくり)を創造しています。中長期的には、世界的視座を持ち、多様性を尊重し、社会問題の解決に取り組んでいく真のグローバル人材育成(=人づくり)に取り組むことで、多様な人々が生き生きする社会づくりに貢献して参ります。

KUROFUNE Design Holdings Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Masamichi Ueta) started from members who studied together at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, that aims to design an optimal living environment that integrates living space and learning space, in which students, the next generation of global talents, can live together, will start its operation.

We are creating a space design that not only allows residents to discover diverse values and people, but also creates opportunities to “share” their own initiatives and dreams on a daily basis. Our long-term goal is to create a society where diverse people can thrive, which we aim to accomplish through nurturing global talents who have a global perspective, respect diversity, and work towards solving social problems.

U Share 西早稲田、2021年4月入学0期生募集について

現在、U Share 西早稲田では、初期メンバーとなる0期生(20名程度)の募集をしています。全世界から幅広く個性的な人材を募り、ご入居頂くメンバーを決定します。詳細は以下のページからご確認いただけます。

U R L:https://u-share.com/wp/nishi-waseda/nishiwaseda_apl/

U Share Nishi Waseda, application of the 0th batch for April 2021

U Share Nishi Waseda’s application for our 0th batch members(about 20 people) is now open. We are looking for a wide range of unique students from all over the world and are deciding which members will move in. You can check the details from the following page.

Link: https://en.u-share.com/nishi-waseda/nishiwaseda_apl/

KUROFUNE Design Holdings 株式会社

公共に資する、社会的意義のあるデザイン及びプロダクトの社会への実装を目指し、2018年、ハーバード大学院と同ビジネス・スクール、MITで共に学んだメンバーを中心として誕生しました。都市、地方、人々が抱える問題解決のため、ステークホルダーの皆さまと同じ目線に立ち、「同じ船」に乗って取り組んで参ります。多様な人々が「共に住まい、共に学び、共に成長する」環境の創造を目指す国際学生寮U Share事業の企画、デザイン、不動産開発、投資計画、運営までを一気通貫で行うほか、不動産企画・投資や建築・都市プランニング・デザイン、その他デザイン監修業務も行います。その他、不動産投資SPCを関連会社として持ちます。また、各種JV事業も柔軟かつ積極的に行っていきます。

U R L:https://www.kurofune-dh.com/

KUROFUNE Design Holdings Inc.

Founded in 2018, by the members who studied together at Harvard Graduate School, Harvard Business School, and MIT, with the aim of implementing socially meaningful designs and products that contribute to the public. In order to solve the issues in cities, rural areas that, people face, we will take the same perspective as our stakeholders and ride on the same ship. KUROFUNE Design Holidings Inc. conducts the planning, design real estate planning, investment planning, and operation of U Share witch aims to create an environment where “Living together, growing together” is realized- all at once, by ourselves. In addition, we also carry out investment architecture, urban planning & design and other design consulting services, and have a real estate investment SPC as an affiliated company. We will also flexibly and proactively carry out various JV businesses.

Link: https://www.kurofune-dh.com/


Our main businesses

  • 国際学生寮「U Share」


International Student Dormitory “U Share”

“Living together, growing together.” Creating an optimal living environment that integrates “living” and “learning”, through conducting the planning, design, real estate planning, investment planning, and operation of U Share, all at once, by ourselves. We are creating a space design that not only allows residents to discover diverse values and people, but also creates opportunities to “share” their own initiatives and dreams on a daily basis. Our long-term goal is to create a society where diverse people cat thrive, which we aim to accomplish through nurturing global talents who have a global perspective, respect diversity, and work towards solving social problems. Through the management and planning various educational programs and events, we will create a unique and significant impact not only on the people who reside in the dormitory but also on the local community.

  • 留学・キャリア支援事業

留学経験者が海外留学ノウハウを幅広く提供します。TOEFL対策に見る国際的な言語運用能力の開発、また留学受験に直結するGMAT・GREやエッセイ、インタビューなどのコーチング・サービスを提供します。さらにU Shareが蓄積してきた海外トップスクールなどとのネットワークを駆使し、受験者に最適な留学先をコーチングします。また、様々な分野で活躍するプロフェッショナルによるキャリアサポートも展開予定です。

Study Abroad / Career Support Program

We offer  coaching services such as TOEFL measures and exams, GMAT / GRE, essays, and interview practice that are directly linked to your application. Those sho have experience studying abroad will provide a wide range of tips for those who wish to study abroad. Furthermore, by making full use of the network with overseas top schools that U Share has accumulated, we will coach the best study abroad destinations for each learner. We also plan to develop career support by professionals who are active in various fields.

  • 都市計画・都市デザイン、地方創生・まちづくり


Urban Planning & Design

We provide comprehensive urban planning and design services. Through coordination among various stakeholders, community engagements and workshops, we will carry out comprehensive planning and design while for the built environment valuing the culture and climate unique to the area where each project is located.

  • 建築設計・デザインサービス(一級建築士事務所)


Architectural Planning and Design Services (first-class architect office)

We provide architectural design supervision work and design services that realize construction and environment building of various scales, centered on first-class architects with abundant experience in design work in Japan and overseas. Based on the original experience of the founder that “good environmental design changes people”, quality, together with various stakeholders.

KUROFUNE Design Holdings 株式会社 役員及び顧問の紹介

Officers and advisors of KUROFUNE Design Holdings Inc.

上田 真路 代表取締役社長 / CEO  一級建築士/不動産投資

ブランドアイデンティティ構築、プロダクトデザイン、建築、意匠設計、都市デザインから不動産企画・開発・運営、不動産プライベート・エクイティまで幅広く担当。高知出身(土佐高校卒)、早稲田大学建築学科および同大学院卒業(小野梓芸術賞受賞)、ハーバード大学デザイン大学院 不動産学科修了 (フルブライター)、鹿島建設、外資系不動産ファンド(Angelo Gordon)を経てKUROFUNEを共同創業。 早稲田大学大学院創造理工学部および慶應義塾大学SFC特任講師(不動産デザイン担当)。

Masamichi Ueta Chief Executive Officer, First-grade architect, real estate investor

In charge of brand identify building, product design, architecture design and urban design, to real estate planning / development / operation and real estate private equity.

井上 貴文 取締役 / COO  アーバンプランナー(米国公認プランナー補)

都市計画・デザイン、まちづくりから不動産企画・財務コンサルティングまで幅広く担当、 慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業(首席)、ハーバード大学デザイン大学院 都市計画学科修了(日本政府/世界銀行共同奨学金フェロー)、 メリルリンチ日本証券投資銀行部門、Sasaki Associates(米国ボストンの都市計画・デザイン事務所)を経てKUROFUNEを共同創業、 兵庫県出身(関西学院高等部卒)、 米国都市計画家協会所属。

Takafumi Inoue Director / Chief Operating Officer, Urban planner (US Certified Planner Assistant)

In charge of urban planning & design to real estate planning / financial consulting.

大江 太人 取締役 / CSO  一級建築士

経営企画、事業開発、教育事業および不動産開発、建築デザイン全般を担当。デザインから経営までの幅広い実務経験と豊富なネットワークを有する。 東京大学建築学科卒業、ハーバードビジネススクールMBA修了、竹中工務店を経て、米国に留学中不動産開発に関わる。現在プランテックグループ (コンサル・設計・施工)の経営に携わりつつ、KUROFUNEを共同創業。

Taito Ooe Director / Chief Strategy Officer, First-class architect

In charge of business planning/development, education business, real estate development, and overall architectural design.

古府 裕雅 取締役

経営企画、事業開発を担当。商品開発のために日本全国津々浦々を歩き回り、「食」や「経営」における豊富なネットワークを有する。 東京工業大学卒業、MIT Sloan Fellows (SF MBA) 修了。Oisixの共同創業者として商品開発、WEBサイト構築、業務構築などを行う。経営企画、事業拡大をリードしIPOに導いた後、KUROFUNEを共同創業。

Hiromasa Kofu Director

In charge of business planning and development.

Bing Wang 顧問/デザイン&投資統括 ハーバード大学教授

ハーバード大学デザイン大学院、都市計画・デザイン学科教授(不動産デザイン部門ヘッド)。不動産投資理論と新しい不動産デザインのあり方を教授する傍ら、中国および米国において不動産投資とデザインの実務を実施。米国アカデミック界での強力なネットワークを有する。 上海出身、米国在住。 ハーバード大学院デザイン大学院博士。

Bing Wang Advisor / Design & Investment Supervisor, Harvard University Professor

Professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Urban Planning and Design (Head of Real Estate Design).


会社名:KUROFUNE Design Holdings 株式会社
所在地:東京都港区南青山7-8-15 U Share 南青山
設立: 2018年7月
代表取締役:上田 真路
U R L:https://www.kurofune-dh.com

Company Profile

Company name : KUROFUNE Design Holdings Co Inc.
Location : 7-8-15 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo U Share Minami Aoyama
Established : July 2018
Business: International student dormitory management, study abroad / career support, real estate planning / investment planning, urban planning & design, architectural design / design services, etc.
Representative Director: Masamichi Ueta
Link: https://www.kurofune-dh.com

U Share Start Application Graphics

Start your
application now✨

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Frequently Asked Questions
For being eligible to apply, do I have to be a university student?
Yes. Any individual enrolled in any type of higher education program is eligible to apply to live at U Share Student Nishi Waseda.
What furniture items comes with each room?
Each room comes with a bed (frame, mattress, sheets, pillows, blanket included), wardrobe, table, table lamp, above-table shelf, and airconditioning.
Can I go to visit U Share Student Nishi Waseda to see the space before applying, and if so, when?
Yes, you can make a reservation through our website contact form informing us of your preferred dates and times for visiting. We will then contact you directly to schedule a visit.
What are the educational and career seminars and how often are they held?
We hold various events regularly throughout the year. This includes inviting individuals to talk about their past experiences and knowledge, or inviting professionals with abundant experience in the real world, giving residents opportunities to find their own career path.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.
Living Together, Growing Together.